Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Another day.

Another week has passed, this week was especially fun because it was Matt's birthday. A laughter filled dinner on Friday, followed by a quiet dinner together on Saturday is the perfect way to enjoy his big day. Monday was dinner and birthday cake with both of our parents. I worked from home for the day, because I was feeling a little under the weather. Being home, I was able to bake him a cake without rushing. Unfortunately I was rushed, and the first came out terrible - broken in every possible way. It was then on to cake two - which again wasn't perfect, but it worked. It was a really nice night, with no stress and again laughs and jokes.

It's almost Thanksgiving, and the holidays are definitely present. Everyone is giving thanks and getting excited for spending time with family, good food, and creating memories. I have to admit, I am ready for some time off from work, sleeping late, and enjoying a family dinner.

After the past few months, I still am not up for the full on family experience. However, I think I am getting there slowly. Matt and I started with our Christmas decorations - because we can never wait for anything. We're like two kids... on Christmas! Regardless, even with the small amount of decorating we have done (mostly him) it looks really good!

 Our Christmas tree will go to the left of the tv stand above. A little different than last year, it should give us a lot of room and still have the tree be visible from the street!

We actually bough this white ladder (I have been looking for a similar item for a long time) primarily for Christmas villages. I look forward to having a new place to decorate once the holiday is over as well. 

I will post more pictures soon, once everything is up and finished. Now it's time to enjoy some of the left over birthday cake - I can hear the crinkling of the saran wrap. Matt must be enjoying the cake too! :)

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